22 de noviembre de 2009

Recipe: Chocolate trufle with olive oil and salt flakes

This is a easy and quick one for all chocolate lovers who want to feel better after fooling
around with chocolate. In this recipe, I have replaced the Butter with extra virgin olive oil.
No sugar either here, so go crazy without feeling (Too) bad.

Recipe for 8 portions.
600 gr. dark chocolate in pieces (min. 70%)
150ml fresh whole milk
100ml cream
140ml mild, extra virgin olive oil (Solivellas Olive oil from Mallorca is best for this one)

Simply bring the milk and the cream to boil and pour over the chocolate pieces and stir with
a whisk until smooth, then stir in the olive oil slowly.

Set cool in fridge overnight. (at least 6 hrs.)
When serving, add a little sprinkle of sea salt (Maldon of Flor de sal) to the trufle.
At Duke's. I serve it with fresh strawberries and basil.
Nice, simple and absolutely yummy.


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